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Wirtschaftskammer Wien

KEP services in Vienna 2017


Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Abteilung Stadtplanung und Verkehrspolitik

Viennese Schanigartenkataster 2017


Magistrat der Stadt Wien, MA 46

Viennese Schanigartenkataster 2018


Amt der Burgenländischen Landesregierung

Master plan Neusiedlersee


Bundesministerium für Nachhaltigkeit und Tourismus

Evaluation Rural Development 14-20 – Evaluation Report 2019


Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH, NÖ.Regional GmbH, Nyugat-Pannon Nonprofit GmbH

Survey on cross-border regional development AT-HU


Dipl. Ing. Wilhelm Sedlak GmbH

Green space concept for the Sedlak company building project in Bad Vöslau


RMB Regionalmanagement Burgenland

Baum2020 Sustainability Study


Lebensregion Biosphärenpark Wienerwald

Regional economic analysis of the Wienerwald Biosphere Reserve


Regionalmanagement Burgenland

Equal Opportunities Conference – TAKE YOUR TURN!


VERBUND Hydro Power GmbH

LIFE Network Danube+ Altenwörth – Socio-economic analysis


Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH



  • Organisation von zwei lokalen Policy Foren mit burgenländischen Teilnehmern
  • Teilnahme bei transnationalen Policy Forum
  • Entwicklung eines Aktionsplanes für soziale Innovationen

Land Niederösterreich Abteilung Raumordnung und Gesamtverkehrsangelegenheiten

Implementation of two pilot projects for master planning in spatial planning in Lower Austria


Land Niederösterreich Abteilung Raumordnung und Gesamtverkehrsangelegenheiten

Roll-out of the master planning in the regions of Neunkirchen – Bucklige Welt and Weinviertel Nordost


LEADER Region Triestingtal

Accompaniment Local Development Strategy Triestingtal 2023-27



LEADER Region Bucklige Welt - Wechselland

Accompaniment Local Development Strategy Bucklige Welt -Wechselland 2023-27


Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH

Preparation and optimisation of nature park management plans incl. development of action plans for the 6 Burgenland nature parks


Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Verkehrspolitik

Vienna Schanigärten – Review of the impact of the new directive on new licences for Schanigärten in Vienna


NÖ.Regional.GmbH – Büro Weinviertel

Welcome information for (Slovak) immigrants in Lower Austria and Burgenland


Amt der Niederösterreichischen Landesregierung Abteilung Kindergärten

b-solutions: Situation analysis with recommendations for action for cross-border kindergarten and school attendance


Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH

Intermediate evaluation PaNaNet+



KTM visitor guidance – cycle route: Hohenau-Engelhartstetten area


Wirtschaftsagentur Wien

SWOT analysis VBD North


Land Niederösterreich RU 7

Spatial Development Model for Lower Austria 2035


NÖ.Regional GmbH

Connecting Regions data analysis AT-CZ


Universität Wien

Lecture Practice of Regional Policy in Austria


Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland, NÖ.Regional GmbH

Interreg RegioCoop SK-AT


Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland, NÖ.Regional GmbH

Strategy baum 2023+


LEADER Region Römerland Carnuntum, TU Wien

Römerland 2040


Gemeinde Parndorf

Parndorf Citizens’ Council on the local development concept


Land Niederösterreich Abteilung Raumordnung und Gesamtverkehrsangelegenheiten

Evaluation of the Pioneer Region North Region Vienna


Lebensregion Biosphärenpark Wienerwald

Future Strategy UNESCO Biosphere Reserve Wienerwald 2030


Diplomatische Akademie Wien, TU Wien

ETIA Course on Environmental Project Management


Elaborating an environmental project in 13 steps2

NÖ.Regional GmbH

Data Analysis ConnReg AT-CZ


Lower Austria Economic Chamber

Evaluation NAFES 2013-2016


  • Preparation of a questionnaire and sampling
  • Quantitative analysis, conduct of the surveys
  • Coducting a interpretation workshop
  • Evaluation and elaboration of recommendations
  • Transnational research of best practice examples (securing local amenities in rural regions, securing commerce in city centers)
  • Compiling a draft report, reality check, inclusion of feedback and compiling the result report



EVN Energieversorgung Niederösterreich

Energy Planning


  • Data analysis: new Classification of environment regarding energy supply
  • Depiction of possible uses and development proposals for model municipalities

LEADER Region Bucklige Welt-Wechselland

“Education grows” in the region Buckelige Welt-Wechselland


  • Project development and support with the project submission
  • Project management
  • Preparation, moderation and postprocessing of events
  • Quality assurance and documentation, evaluation

Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management

Evaluation Rural Areas


  • Evaluation of assistance measures
  • Conducting of interviews

Federal Chancellery

Building Report III


  • Expertise regarding the subject of landscape
  • Development of case scenarios
  • Organisation of workshops

Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (ÖROK)

Roadmap “Agenda For Urban Regions in Austria”


  • Data Research concerning current topics in the city region
  • Involvement of and coordination with participating actors
  • Discussion and answering of the following questions:
    • What is/is not the aim?
    • What are possible measures?
    • What could be further steps: including Who? When? What?


Smart City Bratislava


  • Smart city expertise
  • Attendance at workshops

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria, dept. State Roads

Visitor Guidance KTM Cycle Path in Hohenau-Engelhartstetten


  • Development of measures for visitor guidance
  • Elaboration of a guidline for touristic experiences

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria, Housing Research (Wohnbauforschung)

Housing in the Center of Towns


  • Spatial and demand analysis:
    • Literature research
    • Data preparation and cartographic illustrations
    • Conduct of surveys with experts
    • Good practice research
  • Defining a guidling with strategies for individual approaches regarding age-appropriate dwelling forms in rural regions

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria

Expertise on Lower Austria’s Activities in the Danube Region


  • Document research
  • Conduct of qualitative interviews and workshops
  • Discussion of results and reality check in cooperation with the client
  • Reporting

Vienna University of Technology

Lectures TU Vienna


Courses 2014:

  • Cultural landscape development
  • Strategies for rural areas (excursion)
  • Energy planning


Ideas for Amerang


  • Spatial and competence analysis for Amerang
  • Excursion to creative and committed municipalities and cities
  • Identification of main points and ideas
  • Target group analysis
  • Action plan with the most important starting points
  • Detailed roadmap with specific implementation steps and milestones for the next five years

Office of the Federal Government of Burgenland

Manual of Modification of Land Use Plans in Burgenland


  • Conducting of questionnaire surveys and workshops
  • Elaboration of a guidline Ausarbeitung eines Leitfadens for land use plans modifications
  • Elaboration of training and communication measures
  • Documentation

Office of the Federal Government of Upper Austria

Evaluating Intercommunal Spatial Development in Upper Austria


  • Development of an analytical framework
  • Analysis of documents
  • Conducting of surveys, interviews and workshops
  • Elaboration of a catalogue of requirements
  • Documentation and reporting

Weinviertel Management

Smart Mobility Region Weinviertel-Záhorie


  • Initial meeting for coordination with the client
  • Research, coordination with relevant cross-border authorities
  • Workshop on cross-border mobility in the region
  • Approach to measures to improve transnational mobility
  • Conclusive meeting with the client

LEADER Region Römerland Carnuntum

Online Survey Marc Aurel Initiative


  • Draft and discussion of the questionnaire
  • Technical setup incl. live testing and online activation
  • Result documentation (export of results, report, abstract)

LEADER Region Marchfeld

LEADER Region Marchfeld 2014-2020


  • Area description
  • Definition of development requirements and SWOT analysis
  • Definition of targets within the framework of LEADER 2014-2020
  • Preparation of a strategy and action plan
  • Guiding of the implementation and quality assurance
  • Incorporation of experiences and conclusions from the current period
  • Presentation and documentation of the preparation process of the development strategy
  • Preparation of the overall report

LEADER Region Römerland Carnuntum

LEADER Region Römerland Carnuntum 2014-2020


  • Area description
  • Definition of development requirements and SWOT analysis
  • Definition of targets within the framework of LEADER 2014-2020
  • Preparation of a strategy and action plan
  • Guiding of the implementation and quality assurance
  • Incorporation of experiences and conclusions from the current period
  • Presentation and documentation of the preparation process of the development strategy
  • Preparation of the overall report

LEADER Region Bucklige Welt-Wechselland

LEADER Region Bucklige Welt-Wechselland 2014-2020


  • Area description
  • Definition of development requirements and SWOT analysis
  • Definition of targets within the framework of LEADER 2014-2020
  • Preparation of a strategy and action plan
  • Guiding of the implementation and quality assurance
  • Incorporation of experiences and conclusions from the current period
  • Presentation and documentation of the preparation process of the development strategy
  • Preparation of the overall report

LEADER Region Niederösterreich-Süd

LEADER Region Southern Lower Austria 2014-2020


  • Area description
  • Definition of development requirements and SWOT analysis
  • Definition of targets within the framework of LEADER 2014-2020
  • Preparation of a strategy and action plan
  • Guiding of the implementation and quality assurance
  • Incorporation of experiences and conclusions from the current period
  • Presentation and documentation of the preparation process of the development strategy
  • Preparation of the overall report

LEADER Region Triestingtal

Family-friendly LEADER Region Triestingtal


  • Evaluation of the previous inter-municipal measures towards family-friendliness
  • Strategic development regarding family-friendliness in Triestingtal
  • Preparation, moderation and postprocessing of two workshops with regional actors on the topic of family-friendly measures
  • Monitoring of the family-friendly measures outlined in the project

Austrian Conference on Spatial Planning (ÖROK)

Agenda “Urban Regions in Austria”


  • Development of a processing concept, which includes the contents and the schedule of the project
  • Editing and reporting
  • Implementation of workshops, involvement of the project steering group
  • Participation in Stadtregionstag (City region day)

LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost

Demography Check Weinviertel Ost


  • Regional analysis
  • Check of the business and tourism sectors
  • Company surveys
  • Scenario workshop
  • Catalogue of measures
  • Business plan demography
  • Kick-off and closing event
  • Perspective paper

Römerland Carnuntum

Römerland Carnuntum – a Region on its Path towards Accessibility


  • Elaboration of the development and implementation plan “Barrier-free region Römerland Carnuntum”
  • Analysis of the region regarding accessibility
  • Municipality and location check: “Barrier-free?”
  • Measures to remove barriers in tourist facilities, during travelling and on the internet
  • Awareness-raising workshops for regional actors
  • On-site trainings for network partners and experts
  • Public relations activities

Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology

Environmental Impact Assessment for planned S3 (Weinviertler Schnellstraße)


  • Inspection and elimination of deficiencies
  • Elaboration of the expert opinion
  • Interdisciplinary coordination of measures between the departments
  • Discussion and response to objections regarding the environmental impact statement
  • Participation in:
    • expert meetings
    • excursions
    • oral proceedings

ECO Plus, LEADER Region Bucklige Welt-Wechselland

Demographic situation in Bucklige Welt-Wechselland


  • Regional analysis on developments in municipalities and companies resulting in a report about the status quo
  • Sector check for Economy and Tourism through an online survey for the companies
  • Regional information and networking events
  • Tailor-made thematic workshops/coachings for companies and assistance with the implementation of pilot projects
  • Outcome: “Regional business plan Demography” with recommendations for Politics and Economy and strategies and offers for the region

City of Ferlach (Carinthia)

City of Ferlach: Centre for Creativity and Education


  • Analysis and development of an incentive scheme for settlements of the target group “HTBLVA  graduates”
  • Concept development for the site-specific start-up initiative
  • Concept development for the site-specific centre for creativity and education
  • Setup of a professioal network to realise the Ferlach centre for creativity and education

Römerland Carnuntum

Demographic situation in Römerland Carnuntum


  • Regional analysis on developments in municipalities and companies resulting in a report about the status quo
  • Sector check for Economy and Tourism through an online survey for the companies
  • Regional information and networking events
  • Tailor-made thematic workshops/coachings for companies and assistance with the implementation of pilot projects
  • Outcome: “Regional business plan Demography” with recommendations for Politics and Economy and strategies and offers for the region
  • Inputs for the Regional Development Programme 2014-2020

Regional Management of Lower Austria

BAUM Spatial development concept


  • Analysis and preparation of already existing plans
  • Elaboration of leading functions and development emphases
  • Development of a catalouge of measures
  • Structuring of the planning process
  • Design of the ongoing cooperation process
  • Presentation at and organisation of communal workshops and regional forums

Planungsgemeinschaft Ost (PGO, Planning Association East)

Database Maintenance “SRO_peripher”


  • Research and editing of (inter-) national examples
  • Ongoing maintenance of the database

Office of the Federal Government of Upper Austria

Regional planning programme in Upper Austria


  • Spatial problem analysis, development trends, SWOT analysis
  • Spatial-functional classification: Location types, central place system
  • Definition of spaces of action
  • Elaboration of a monitoring concept
  • Consulting on drawing up a regulation

City of Vienna, Municipal Department 18 (Urban Deelopment and Planning, MA 18)

Supporting the STEP Working Group „Clearing & Governance“


  • Moderation of the work group
  • Professional input
  • Reporting

City of Vienna, Municipal Department 18 (Urban Deelopment and Planning, MA 18)

Position Paper for Agglomeration Perspectives in the STEP 2025


  • Forums, fireside chats, meetings
  • Moderation and professional assistance
  • Elaboration of a position paper

Office of the Federal Government of Burgenland

Expertise UNESCO World Heritage Fertő/Neusiedler See


  • Ongoing coordination with the client and the steering group
  • Reporting

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria, work group “Regionale Leitplanung A5/S1/A22”

Guiding Plan for northern of Vienna


  • SWOT analysis and regional planning analysis
  • Interpretation of settlement development scenarios
  • Identification of fields of action and the need for coordination
  • Elaboration of a regional roadmap incl. steps of implementation
  • Support and reflection of the planning process
  • Reflections about an establishment of this planning instrument
  • Event organisation and moderation
  • Discussion in small and large groups
  • Assistance with intercommunal and transregional coordination

Regional Management Burgenland

Amendment Phasing Out Burgenland 07-13 ESF


  • Kick-off briefing: Passing the necessary information to the promoter
  • External evaluation of the OP amendments
  • Assessing impacts on the environment
  • Developing the amendment

Regional Management Burgenland

Amendment Phasing Out Burgenland 07-13 ERDF


  • Kick-off briefing: Passing the necessary information to the promoter
  • External evaluation of the OP amendments
  • Assessing impacts on the environment
  • Developing the amendment

LEADER Region Niederösterreich Süd

Parental Survey in Piestingtal


  • Elaboration of a draft questionnaire
  • Individual meetings with officials from the 10 primary, secondary and special needs schools
  • Adjustment and finalisation of the questionnaire
  • Organisation of the survey in the schools
  • Analysis and visualisation of questionnaire data

Regional Management of Lower Austria

BAUM – Bratislava Urban Regional Cooperation


  • Harmonising of documents
  • Catalog of requirements for the common guidelines
  • Participation resp. moderation of meetings with mayors and the multilateral experts’ platform

Planungsgemeinschaft Ost (PGO, Planning Association East)

SRO_peripherals: Strategies for the Spatial Development of the Peripheral Areas in the Eastern Regions


  • State-of-the-art research on successful measures for municipalities confronted with a declining development
  • Development of a classification regarding reaction strategies and their implentation in the Austrian East Region (Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland)
  • Definition and illustration of a draft for courses of action for municipalities
  • Designing a virtual handbook and a “map of possibilities”
  • Professional preparation and moderation of focus workshops
  • Organiation of field trips

Vienna University of Technology

Lecture ETIA TU Vienna


  • Lecture “Introduction to environmental project management” including group works and discussions

Kleinregion ARGE Dunkelsteinerwald

Online Survey KREK Dunkelsteinerwald


  • Development and discussion of the questionnaire together with the Regional Management and Regional Assistance
  • Technical setup of the survey and live testing
  • Online activation of the survey and monitoring
  • Broad documentation of results and analysis
  • Recommendations for action

Office of the Federal Government of Carinthia

Regional Energy Concept: Upper Carinthia


  • Analysis of the renewable energy potential in Upper Carinthia (Districts of Spittal and Hermagor)
  • Development of spatial and site criteria for the rough estimation of sites for renewable energy installations
  • Business environment analysis of key stakeholders at the State level in order to achieve stronger agreement on spatial planning and energy
  • Project management
  • Event organisation (e.g. organising an “Energy Day” open to the public)
  • Networking, communication and public relation activities

LEADER Region Niederösterreich Süd

Evaluation: LEADER region Southern Lower Austria


  • Draft and discussion of the questionnaire together with the LEADER management
  • Technical setup of the survey and live testing
  • Online activation of the survey and monitoring
  • Documentation of results and analysis

Kleinregion ARGE Dunkelsteinerwald

Micro Region Development Concept for Dunkelsteinerwald


  • Foundational research, SWOT analysis, online survey
  • Establishing of topics and target groups
  • Draft of general principles and targets fr the micro region
  • Elaboration of a measures and project catalogue
  • Creating and moderating events
  • Project development and project management
  • Event management
  • Support in planning processes
  • Moderation
  • Networking

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria

Position of Lower Austria Towards the EU Strategy for the Danube Region


  • Substantial research of existing documents and strategies
  • Preparation of arguments including facts and illustrations
  • Presentation of links and similarities in the statements of other (state) governments

Mobility Centre Burgenland

Feasibility Study: nextbike Sopron


  • Foundational research
  • Preparation of the business plan
  • Recommendations

Kleinregion Wolkersdorf

Interactive Google Map | Micro Region Wolkersdorf


  • Transfer of survey results into a Google map
  • Adding of interactive links and attractions
  • Structuring of map-icons
  • Preparation of pdf-documents for single municipalities
  • Linking with other websites (eg. micro region Wolkersdorf)

LEADER Region Triestingtal

Building the Learning Region: Triestingtal


  • Establishment of a network for training and learning
  • Elaboration of a regional learning strategy
  • Identification of pilot projects
  • Elaboration of a regional business plan
  • Analysis of the regional institutions for education and training
  • Conduct of an online survey
  • Preparation and moderation of regional network meetings
  • Event organisation

Regional Development Association of Auland Carnuntum

Building the Learning Region: Römerland Carnuntum


  • Establishment of a network for training and learning
  • Elaboration of a regional learning strategy
  • Identification of pilot projects
  • Elaboration of a regional business plan
  • Analysis of the regional institutions for education and training
  • Conduct of an online survey
  • Preparation and moderation of regional network meetings

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria

Evaluation of the Lower Austrian Spatial Planning Act


  • Broad desk research
  • Listing of existing or new links to the current Planning Act
  • Selection of relevant and promising issues by expert and client workshops
  • Final report, including recommendations on possible new instruments for the Planning Act on the supra-regional scale

LEADER Region Moststraße

Building the Learning Region: Moststraße


  • Establishment of a network for training and learning
  • Elaboration of a regional learning strategy
  • Identification of pilot projects
  • Elaboration of a regional business plan
  • Analysis of the regional institutions for education and training
  • Conduct of an online survey
  • Preparation and moderation of regional network meetings

LEADER Region Niederösterreich Süd

Building the Learning Region: Southern Lower Austria


  • Establishment of a network for training and learning
  • Elaboration of a regional learning strategy
  • Identification of pilot projects
  • Elaboration of a regional business plan
  • Analysis of the regional institutions for education and training
  • Conduct of an online survey
  • Preparation and moderation of regional network meetings

LEADER Region Bucklige Welt - Wechselland

Building the Learning Region: Bucklige Welt-Wechselland


  • Establishment of a network for training and learning
  • Elaboration of a regional learning strategy
  • Identification of pilot projects
  • Elaboration of a regional business plan
  • Analysis of the regional institutions for education and training
  • Conduct of an online survey
  • Preparation and moderation of regional network meetings

Region um Wolkersdorf

Hiking Path Network Wolkersdorf


  • Organisation and moderation of three project workshops
  • Preexamination of the existing paths
  • Detailed field research in all municipalities, detailed routing
  • Funding advice (LEADER, Lower Austrian Landscape Fund, …)
  • USP, competitiveness
  • Labelling maps for each municipality
  • Tendering the production of signs and hiking maps
  • Development of a guide and info system
  • Moderation


Spatial Planning in Santana, Romania


Drafting the atlas collection with the following geographical and thematic set-up:

  • Position in Europe, supraregional, regional
  • Santana and its surroundings: main roads and railroads; agriculture and industry
  • Detailed view: roads and railroads; spatial planning: centres and subcentres; zoning: protected areas; living: expansion areas; shopping and technical services; tourism; health services; education and leisure, sports; culture and public buildings

Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology

Pre-Environmental Impact Assessment: S3 Weinviertler Schnellstraße


  • Expertise on the preliminary proceedings of the EIA S3
  • Review of the statements regarding the preliminary proceedings of the environmental impact statement from the public authorities, the concerned municipalities and other relevant actors.
  • Participation in meetings of all experts

Planungsgemeinschaft Ost (PGO, Planning Association East)

Settlement Development Concept “East”


  • Impact analysis of existing spatial planning tools
  • Comparison with European best-practice examples
  • Identification of three focus issues
  • Preparation, arrangement and moderation of experts workshops
  • Recommendations on new spatial tools and strategies for the “Cooperative Planning Committee East”

Regional Management of Burgenland

Roadshow | SME Phasing Out


  • Planning, organisation and realisation of the events
  • Moderation
  • Drafting of invitations
  • Preparation of information packages for lecturers and table hosts
  • Overall project management
  • Documentation

LEADER Region Weinviertel Ost

Local Development Strategy for the Weinviertel Ost Region Based on Focus 4 (LEADER) EG Nr. 1698/2005


  • Regional analysis
  • SWOT analysis
  • Project development and project management
  • Support of the planning process
  • Identification of regional objectives and detailing of critical success factors
  • Identification of main topics and fields of activities
  • Organisation and moderation of workshops and meetings with politicians, regional stakeholders and inhabitants

LEADER Region Lafnitztal

Local Development Strategy for the Lafnitztal Region Based on Focus 4 (LEADER) EG Nr. 1698/2005


  • Project development and project management
  • Support of the planning process
  • Identification of main topics and fields of activities
  • Organisation and moderation of workshops and meetings with politicians, regional stakeholders and inhabitants

Regionaler Entwicklungsverein Auland Carnuntum

Local Development Strategy for the Auland Carnuntum Region Based on Focus 4 (LEADER) EG Nr. 1698/2005


  • Regional analysis
  • SWOT analysis
  • Project development and project management
  • Support of the planning process
  • Identification of regional objectives and detailing of critical success factors
  • Identification of main topics and fields of activities
  • Organisation and moderation of workshops and meetings with politicians, regional stakeholders and inhabitants
  • Preparation of the LAG structure and the financing plan
  • Preparation of the official document for application as LEADER region
  • Organisation and moderation of workshops and meetings with politicians, regional stakeholders and inhabitants

Regional Development Association of Marchfeld

Local Development Strategy for the Marchfeld Region Based on Focus 4 (LEADER) EG Nr. 1698/2005


  • Regional analysis
  • SWOT analysis
  • Project development and project management
  • Support of the planning process
  • Identification of regional objectives and detailing of critical success factors
  • Identification of main topics and fields of activities
  • Organisation and moderation of workshops and meetings with politicians, regional stakeholders and inhabitants
  • Preparation of the LAG structure and the financing plan
  • Preparation of the official document for application as LEADER region
  • Organisation and moderation of workshops and meetings with politicians, regional stakeholders and inhabitants

work group Kleinregion Triestingtal

Local Development Strategy for the Triestingtal Region Based on Focus 4 (LEADER) EG Nr. 1698/2005


  • Regional analysis
  • SWOT analysis
  • Identification of regional objectives and detailing critical success factors
  • Identification of main topics and fields of activities
  • Preparation of the LAG structure and the financing plan
  • Preparation of the official document for application as LEADER region
  • Organisation and moderation of workshops and meetings with politicians, regional stakeholders and inhabitants
  • Project development and project management
  • Support of the planning process

Austrian Development Cooperation - ADC

Suhareka Environment for the Future


  • Elaboration of a Municipal Development Plan for the region Suva Reka
  • Elaboration of an Urban Development Plan for the region Suva Reka


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