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Gemeinde Kemeten

CoMe History HU-AT


Consultation and moderation of preparatory meetings with project partners

  • Formulation of possible project structure
  • Advice on aligning project with funding guidelines such as priority axes, specific and individual goals, core outputs, target values, contributions to program outcome indicators, according to program requirements
  • Moderation of preparatory meetings with project partners either physically or as online conferences.

Compilation of documents for the Interreg funding application.

Editorial processing of incoming texts and completion of all text fields in the application form as well as transfer of content into the Jems system

  • Documentation of meetings and all discussion results and recommendations
  • Ongoing coordination

Marktgemeinde Jedenspeigen

Heritage SK-AT


  • Project coordination (Organisation and documentation of partner meetings and workshops)
  • Project administration (INTERREG-compliant reporting, processing of procurement procedures)
  • Project monitoring (ongoing monitoring of the project implementation)
  • Communication and public relation activities (Organisation and moderation of events)
  • Translations

Burgenländischer Ringsportverband

Wrestling without borders


Naturpark in der Weinidylle

Weinidylle AT-HU


Niederösterreichischer Gesundheits- und Sozialfonds

Bridges for Birth


  • Project coordination (Organisation and documentation of partner meetings and workshops)
  • Project administration (INTERREG-compliant reporting, processing of procurement procedures)
  • Project monitoring (ongoing monitoring of the project implementation)
  • Communication and public relation activities (Organisation and moderation of events)
  • Translations

Biologische Station Neusiedler See



Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH, NÖ.Regional GmbH, Nyugat-Pannon Nonprofit GmbH

Survey on cross-border regional development AT-HU


RMB Regionalmanagement Burgenland

Baum2020 Sustainability Study


NÖGUS Niederösterreichischer Gesundheits- und Sozialfonds - Initiative Healthacross

Health in the Danube-Moldova European Region


Verein zur Förderung von Vielfalt, Dialog und Bildung (IZ), Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes (DÖW), Land Burgenland

Border (hi)stories


Regionalmanagement Burgenland

Programme Planning Interreg Austria-Hungary 2021-2027


  • Regional and SWOT analysis
  • Assistance with programme target definition
  • Elaboration of priority axes, common structures and key projects
  • Assistance with indicator development
  • Preparation and implementation of workshops
  • Public relations activities and event organization

Verein zur Förderung der Regionalentwicklung im Marchfeld (MAREV)

Action plan for sustainable cooperation in the natural area


NÖ Landesgesundheitsagentur Initiative Healthacross

Action Guide for Health Care in the Danube – Moldova European Region


Welterbe Verein Neusiedler See

Interreg HU-AT Common Heritage


Stadtgemeinde Marchegg

Culture Across – Cultural bridges over the March


Naturpark in der Weinidylle

„wine economy AT-HU“


Stadt Wien MA 27 - Magistratsabteilung für europäische Angelegenheiten Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Elaboration of the Intereg Cooperation Programme Slovakia – Austria 2021 – 2027


  • Regional and SWOT analysis
  • Assistance with programme target definition
  • Elaboration of priority axes, common structures and key projects
  • Assistance with indicator development
  • Preparation and implementation of workshops
  • Public relations activities and event organisation

NÖ.Regional GmbH

Connecting Regions data analysis AT-CZ


Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland, NÖ.Regional GmbH

Interreg RegioCoop SK-AT


Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland, NÖ.Regional GmbH

Strategy baum 2023+


Wirtschaftsagentur Burgenland GmbH

Online survey Cooperation intensity AT-HU


NÖ.Regional GmbH

Data Analysis ConnReg AT-CZ


Office of the Federal Government of Burgenland



  • Project coordination (Organisation and documentation of partner meetings and workshops)
  • Project administration (INTERREG-compliant reporting, processing of procurement procedures)
  • Project monitoring (ongoing monitoring of the project implementation)
  • Communication and public relation activities (Organisation and moderation of events)
  • Translations (DE-HU, HU-DE)

Regional Management of Burgenland

Online Survey on Cooperation Intensity AT-HU


  • Technical setup incl. live-testing, online activation and usage
  • Telephone interviews with the most important project owners
  • Documention of results (export of results, report, abstract)

Verein Gemeinsame Region Bucklige Welt-Wechselland and Regionalentwicklungsverein Römerland Carnuntum

REGIONET competitive


Consulting and professional support of the project partners concering:

  • Detailled project planning, design and coordination of activities (incl. attendance at workshops and assistance with designing a joint frame system)
  • Preparation, moderation and protocolling of project meetings and working groups incl. attendancies at these workshops)
  • Processing of procurement procedures
  • Administrative project execution
  • Elaboration of a bilateral economic development strategy and development of sustainable cooperation frameworks
  • INTERREG-compliant reporting and processing (five financial reports, five project progress reports)
  • Monitoring and quality assurance (assistance with interim evaluation and end evaluation)

Office of the Federal Government of Burgenland, Abteilung 2

Joint Ambrosia Action


  • Project coordination (Organisation and documentation of partner meetings and workshops)
  • Project administration (INTERREG-compliant reporting, processing of procurement procedures)
  • Project monitoring (ongoing monitoring of the project implementation)
  • Communication and public relation activities (Organisation and moderation of events)
  • Translations

Office of the Federal Government of Burgenland, Abteilung 5

REBEN – Reed Belt Neusiedl/Fertő


  • Project coordination (Organisation and documentation of partner meetings and workshops)
  • Project administration (INTERREG-compliant reporting, processing of procurement procedures)
  • Project monitoring (ongoing monitoring of the project implementation)
  • Communication and public relation activities (Organisation and moderation of events)
  • Translations

Health and Social Fund of Lower Austria (NÖGUS)

Branding “Lower Austria – Cross-border Health Care”


  • Market analysis
  • Target group identification
  • Network analysis – project partners
  • Marketing concept


We are pleased to inform: mecca services in fields of Cross-border Cooperation


  • Project delevopment
  • Project planning and project application
  • Project management
  • Project evaluation
  • European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)

Health and Social Fund of Lower Austria (NÖGUS)

Unlimited Health Together


  • Project management
  • Project monitoring
  • Assistance with the expansion of hospital cooperation

City of Vienna, Municipal Department 27 (European Affairs, MA 27)

Implementation Manual for Applicants and Beneficiaries INTERREG SK-AT 2014-2020


  • Coordination meetings
  • Expertise in cross-border cooperation
  • Reporting

Municipality Neufeld an der Leitha

Cross-border powerhouse Neufeld / Leitha


  • Elaboration of a feasability study

Széchenyi Programiroda Nonprofit Kft.

Final Brochure: Border Area AT-HU


  • Project development
  • Research and content editing
  • Workshop: preparation, moderation, postprocessing
  • Draft and und editorial modification
  • Translations
  • Finalising: Editing, coordination of graphic/print, final control

Regional Management of Burgenland

Online Survey Cooperation Intensity AT-HU


  • Draft and discussion of the questionnaire
  • Technical setup incl. live testing and online activation
  • Telephone interviews with the most important project owners
  • Result documentation (export of results, report, abstract)

Academy of Lower Austria

C4PE – Concepts for Professional Education in Border Regions


  • Organisation and implementation of project workshops with the project consortium
  • Preparation of documents for coordination with the programme authority resp. the regional managements
  • Coordination meetings with the lead partner
  • Elaboration of the project proposal
  • Interpreting and translation service

Weinviertel Management

Strategy for the Economic Area Weinviertel-Záhorie


  • Elaboration of a development strategy
  • Coaching and support of a survey of regional stakeholders
  • Design and moderation of round table discussions
  • Coaching qualifying programm for entrepreneurs
  • Coaching determination of requirements for education
  • Concept for an information brochure
  • Final Report

Regional Management of Lower Austria

Interactive Map of the RECOM SK-AT actors


  • Preparation of an interactive actors map including the RECOM SK-AT stakeholders

Regional Management of Lower Austria

RECOM CZ-AT Project Workshops


  • Design and preparation for the workshops
  • Moderation of the four project workshops
  • Postprocessing of the events, protocolling and documentation of the results
  • Elaboration of a thematically structured final report which concludes all events

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria

Synopsis of Network Analyses for Lower Austria


  • Standardisation of the network analyses with a focus on Lower Austria
  • Standardisation of thematic classification of networks
  • Standardised interpretation of networks and presentation of similarities and differences in the program regions
  • Interpretation of preliminary results in a joint workshop with the client

Health and Social Fund of Lower Austria (NÖGUS)

EGTC Lower Austria-Czech Republic on Health


  • Elaboration of a discussion paper
  • Preparation, moderation and postprocessing of workshops
  • Assembly and preparation of questions for answering by extern experts
  • Participation in an excursion to EGTC Lille-Kortijk-Tournai and its substantial postprocessing

Regional Management of Burgenland

GREENNET: Citizen Science in the Burgenland Nature Parks


  • Developing a concept for a Citizen Science model
  • Process development to build up a biodiversity monitoring with amateurs
  • Method presentation at workshops

Őrség National Park

PaNaNet – Development of Sustainable Tourism Offers


  • Joint product and offer development of nature reserves

Regional Management of Lower Austria

RECOM HU-AT Network Analysis


  • Network analysis and evaluation
  • assessment of future topics
  • Assembly of regional analysis results
  • Inclusion of these analysis results in the programming process 2014-2020
  • Preparation, moderation and postprocessing of cross-border workshops and conferences

Regional Management of Burgenland

Planning the Cross-border Cooperation Programme Austria-Hungary 2014+


  • Regional and SWOT analysis
  • Assistance with programme target definition
  • Elaboration of priority axes, common structures and key projects
  • Assistance with indicator development
  • Preparation and implementation of workshops
  • Public relations activities and event organisation

Regional Management of Lower Austria

RECOM SK-AT Potential and Network Analysis


  • Identification of key factors for integrated regional development (strenghts and weaknesses)
  • Analysis of opportunities and risks for regional development
  • Description of potentials resulting from more in-depth cooperations
  • Network analysis and evaluation
  • Evaluation of future potentials and topics regarding these networks

Burgenland Tourism

RegioInfopoint SKAT


  • Assistance with the ETC grant application elaboration
  • Ongoing project management and reporting

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria

Policy Paper on Integrated Regional Development of the Donau-March-Thaya-Area


  • Elabotation of an integrated strategy as a basis for concret implementation in the Danube-March-Thaya region
  • Definition of a priority area
  • Delineation of the existing development strategy for this priority area
  • Description of the indicative topics and the sets of measure for implementation (topics, actors, sources of funding, timeframe)

Regional Management of Burgenland

GREENNET: Inventories and Surveys


  • Basic research
  • Kick-off workshops
  • Interviews and surveys
  • Reality check
  • Reporting
  • Presentation of the method withing the context of a conference

City of Vienna, Municipal Department 18 (Urban Deelopment and Planning, MA 18)

PRO 2013+


  • Conceptual elaboration and coordination of the approach
  • Network analysis for Vienna and Lower Austria
  • Potential analysis for Vienna and Lower Austria
  • Assembly of the analysis results of the regions Vienna, Lower Austria, South Moravia and Vysočina
  • Preparation, moderation and postprocessing of cross-border workshops and conferences
  • ETC-compliant reporting

Regional Management of Burgenland

Evaluation of the PaNaNet project


The following questions were the subject of our evaluation:

  • Proposal preparation and product development for nature tourism infrastructure
  • Networking in the fields of leisure and adventure tourism, marketing of local products
  • Exchange of knowledge, experiences and methods between workers in the protected areas
  • Public relations activities, marketing
  • Coordination and networking of the individual work packages for the PaNaNet project

Regionalverband Leithaauen Neusiedler See

Servus Pontis


  • Project support and monitoring
  • Communication and cooperation between project partners
  • Preparation of a calendar with cultural events
  • Preparation of aregional guide

Regional Management of Lower Austria

Euregio Innovation Award 2011


  • Elaboration of the tender and concretisation of the task
  • Preparation of the nomination for the jury meeting
  • Providing the jury wih documents
  • Prganisation and moderation of the jury meeting
  • Presentation of the awardees and the projects in a publication
  • Organisation and implementation of the innovation award
  • Public relations activities
  • Event organisation


Fostering the Multilateral RECOM Network


  • Assistance with the professional preparation of events
  • Organisation and briefing of referents
  • Workshop moderation and field trip management
  • Protocolling and documentation of the results
  • Evaluation of the events

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria

The Future of the ETC: Lower Austria


  • Development of the content structure of the discussion paper
  • Creation of a thesis paper and discussion within the task group
  • Producing of a first draft of the discussion paper, presenting to task group for review
  • Finalisation of the discussion paper, presentation to the State of Lower Austria

Regionalverband Leithaauen Neusiedler See

Ecotourism and Canoeing at the Leitha River


  • Assistance in preparing the ETC application
  • Ongoing project management
  • Meeting organisation
  • Development of guide and information systems

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria

Catch_MR: Project Support


  • Project management
  • Organisation of international workshops
  • Online survey on urban sprawl
  • Evaluation, reporting and interpretation of the questionnaire


Rich in ideas: CENTROPE


Planungsgemeinschaft Ost (PGO, Planning Association East)

People in Centrope – Exhibition Bratislava


  • Preparation of content (publication, poster, invitations)
  • Layout and printing of brochures
  • Translation (AT-SK)
  • Organisation of exhibit construction and removal
  • Exhibit design and event organisation

Regionaler Entwicklungsverband Industrieviertel-Projektmanagement

NetLab – Network for Labourmarket Cooperation in the Border Region HU-AT


  • Preparation of the network meetings
  • Moderation of meetings
  • Supporting the evaluation of the event

Römerland Carnuntum

People in Centrope – Exhibition Bruck/Leitha


  • Preparing invitations and press reports
  • Organisation and coordination
  • Guided tours

EUREGIO Weinviertel-South Moravia-West Slovakia



  • Interviewing the cities concerning their main focus of development
  • Research and analysis of statistical data
  • Identification of potential cooperation topics
  • Preparation of a bilingual publication – content, project management and editing
  • Scientific support in preparing the EUREGIO conference and 3 thematic working groups

Regional Management of Lower Austria

EUREGIO Innovation Award 2009


  • Elaboration of the tender and concretisation of the task
  • Preparation of the nomination for the jury meeting
  • Providing the jury wih documents
  • Prganisation and moderation of the jury meeting
  • Presentation of the awardees and the projects in a publication
  • Organisation and implementation of the innovation award
  • Public relations activities
  • Event organisation

City of Vienna, Municipal Department 18 (Urban Deelopment and Planning, MA 18), Planungsgemeinschaft Ost (PGO, Planning Association East)

European Region – People in Centrope


  • Project management and project coordination
  • Exhibition design
  • Detailed definition of the concept and topics
  • Broad research concerning contents and illustrations
  • Editing of the exhibition panels and the publication
  • Guided tours and organisation of events
  • Public Relations Activities

Regional Management of Lower Austria

EUREGIO Innovation Award 2008: Ready for Projects – Start of New Cooperations


  • Elaboration of the tender and concretisation of the task
  • Preparation of the nomination for the jury meeting
  • Providing the jury wih documents
  • Prganisation and moderation of the jury meeting
  • Presentation of the awardees and the projects in a publication
  • Organisation and implementation of the innovation award
  • Public relations activities
  • Event organisation

Managing Authority / Cross-border Cooperation Programme Slovakia – Austria 2007-2013

Implementation Manual SK-AT 2007-2013


  • Translation of the handbook (English – German)

Nationalpark Thayatal GmbH

ETC National Parks Thayatal and Podyjí


  • Assistance in preparing the ETC application
  • Supervising the submission of documents including reviewing submissions for completeness
  • Ongoing project management

Regional Development Agency Industrieviertel

Lead Partner Training AT-HU


  • Project management and project coordination
  • Moderation
  • Research and preparation of common topics/projects
  • Elaboration of eligible Lead Partner project holder structures
  • Organisation and moderation of Workshops for possible project owners

INTERACT Point Managing Transition and External Cooperation (MTEC)

EGTC – Information and Training Package on the European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation


  • Research and content related preparation of the handbook
  • Development of a roadmap for establishing an EGTC
  • Drafting the illustrations
  • Organisation, moderation and preparation of the INTERACT seminar

Regional Management of Burgenland

Programme Complement light – Cross-border Cooperation AT-HU 2007-2013


  • Elaboration of the programme manual
  • Organisation development
  • Moderation of large group meetings

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria

Handbook: ETC Austria-Czech Republic 2007- 2013


  • Organisation of bilateral workshops
  • Evaluation and consideration of basic documents (IQ train handbook, PC light, …)
  • Moderation
  • Establishment of web documents to be edited by the team simutaniously (google doc)
  • Drafting of the English handbook

Regionet – Interdisciplinary Network of SME in the Austrian-Hungarian Region


  • Setting up of partnerships between regional organisations in the border region
  • Regional analysis
  • Identification of common cross-border strategies
  • Development of a supraregional cooperation model
  • Development of sustainable implementation strategies
  • Project development and project management
  • Moderation

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria

EUREGIO Forum Profi


  • Establishement of networks
  • Organisation and management of networks
  • Design of communication instruments
  • Implementation of training methods
  • Technical support, seminars, know-how transfer, staff training (SME-service, regional integration, communication, networks and integrated tourism development)

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria, Energiepark Bruck

Academic Course on Renewable Energy in Central and Eastern Europe – Expansion strategy


  • Project development and project management
  • Development of an expansion strategy for the expansion and consolidation of the academic course
  • Organisation, moderation, documentation and postprocessing of an international conference (topic: training and development in respect of renewable energy in CEE)
  • Elaboration of proposals for MSc Renewable Energy – Second generation

Office of the Federal Government of Lower Austria, Regional Development Agency Industrieviertel

Citynet – Network of MicroRegional Centres in the Austrian-Hungarian Border Region


  • Citynet catalogue: Publication of main fields of development
  • Citynet workshops: Expert events regarding environment, renewable energy, education, city marketing and tourism
  • Periodic information events and meetings with network partners
  • Citynet platform: Extention of the city network as cross-border platform and development of sustainable management solutions
  • Citynet international: Cross-border experience exchange, potential involvement in transnational projects
  • Exhibit design, event organisation and moderation of network meetings
  • support in planning processes
  • network building and maintenance

IQ Train Sekretariat

IQ Train – Handbook for Project Holders


  • Preparing of EU programme informations as a handbook
  • Development of the handbook structure together with the international steering committee
  • Preparing general information on topics like organisation, application, reporting or eligibility
  • Preparing information on specific programmes (responsibilities, procedures, forms)
  • Preparing a service chapter about minimum requirements for project application, FAQ’s, project checklists etc.

Vienna University of Technology

Seminar: Spatial and Environmental Planning in Central and Eastern Europe


  • Organisation and moderation
  • Communication and coordination with international experts
  • Lecturing at Vienna University of Technology


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