KTM visitor guidance – cycle route: Hohenau-Engelhartstetten area

In the border area, there has been cycling tourism expertise and cycling tourism offers for years. The KTM cycle path has existed for a long time. It runs partly parallel to the new EuroVelo 13 and crosses EuroVelo 9 (via Brno – Vienna). The KTM Cycle Path East along the Morava River has so far partly run on paths that are less suitable for tourism. Therefore, efforts have been made for years to make the section between Hohenau and Engelhartsstetten more attractive or to relocate it to new routes. The proposals for the new routes run through nature-sensitive areas. Now a nature conservation permit has been granted subject to certain conditions. Essential for this are appropriate visitor guidance measures (barriers, visitor information, etc.) and subsequently monitoring of the effect of the proposed and implemented measures.
