Health in the Danube-Moldova European Region

The goal of the Danube-Moldova European Region (EDM) – a political working group of the seven partner regions Oberpfalz, Lower Bavaria with Altötting, Upper Austria, the Lower Austrian Most- and Waldviertel, Südböhmen, Pilsen and Vysočina – is to further expand the existing cooperation. Health care is also a common concern of all EDM partners. The great challenges of our time, which also include the future viability of health care, can be mastered much better on the basis of bundled trilateral competences.

mecca supports the working group “cross-border health care” by conducting a survey of previous activities in cross-border health care and developing challenges and problem areas in the EDM area.


NÖGUS Niederösterreichischer Gesundheits- und Sozialfonds - Initiative Healthacross