ClimateMOBIL – Regional Mobility Management and Climate Protection

Although mobility is one of the key issues that needs to be addressed in order to achieve national and international climate protection targets, it has been disregarded in a regional context. The project ClimateMOBIL analyses the ability of regions to manage mobility in terms of energy efficiency, as well as issues related to climate protection in rural areas. Action research or working in cooperation with existing structures and models in order to develop strategies for sustainable mobility management is the primary research method utilised in this project.  mecca’s research partners are: Energy Park Bruck on the Leitha, Mobility Central Burgenland and the Upper Austria Transit Authority

The project result is a standardised requirements catalogue for a successful mobility management, which clearly contributes to environment protection and energy efficiency.

project partner: Vienna University of Technology (Institute of Transportation, Research Center of Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering), Austrian Ecology Institute Vienna, Austrian Energy Agency


Austrian Climate and Energy Fond